Lough Erne Food festival

Last Saturday my family and I went to the "Lough Erne food festival" in Enniskillen organised by the council,which took place at the broad meadow (across from the lakleland forum). At the event there was a huge variety of stalls from cake stands to healthy lemonade stands,there certainly was a good choice of products to purchase at the event.I was very impressed by the high standard of local products at the event and how well presented they were.We took a little tour around the market and then we became very hungry so we went for a little wander round and we saw that there was also a good choice of takeaway food.We eventually choose to eat out at the "Street Dogs" gourmet hotdog stand. I ordered a very yummy Spanish inspired hotdog with a side of sweet potatoe fries.The food was quite affordable and the quality and taste was unbelievable.The event also had an old fashioned slide and carousel for children,which in my opinion gave it a very authentic and traditional look.Its always great to see Enniskillen hold events like this,as it brings the community together almost like a family.I hope to see more events like this in the future as it was a huge success!!!

Food purchased from the "Street Dogs" gourmet hotdog stand

I hope that you have enjoyed my blog and don't forget to check back soon!!!
                                        Love Donna


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