Be prepared choose Be Prepped

Anyone else feel like lockdown will never end? home schooling, cleaning, cooking on repeat...why not take one of these chores of your list. Be Prepped will be able to do this for you. They are a local healthy prepped food business, who create delicious calorie controlled meals and snacks on a weekly basis. So that you can sit back and relax, without worrying about your waist line. Supporting locally, Be Prepped use only the finest local ingredients, to produce their hassle free prepped meals. Offering vegan and vegetarian meal prep options as well, to suit all. Be Prepped kindly gifted me a range of their delicious meals and mourish healthy snacks. I was quite impressed with their menu and the food was divine. Myself and my husband both tried them out, giving a second opinion from my husband. He gave them a thumbs up as well. These meals are also freezable, giving you the option to use, as and when you feel like having a night off from cooking. I highly recommend Be Prepped as their fo...