KIND Snacks

Continuing my journey to a healthy body and mind, I have been struggling with my sugar cravings. Searching shopping complex's for a healthy and tasty snack has proven to been quite difficult. Whilst researching healthy food brands, I decided to look online for brands which stock wholesome snacks free from artificial colorants and nasty preservatives. When I came across the brand "KIND Snacks UK", I was really excited to try them out as their huge range of flavoured bars sounded amazing. They looked too good to be true, so I just had to get my hands on every flavour they had. When I received my box of KIND bars, firstly I was very impressed with the branding and presentation. Secondly I liked how they included information about the brand on the box. Lastly I was extremely happy with the size and look of the bars. Which in my opinion is the most important part, as our eyes need to be enticed. So that we can fully enjoy food. Tasting each flavour one after each other, I was...