Free'ist Scrumptious And Sugar Free

I have always been addicted to all things sugary and chocolaty. Struggling with sugar since I was very young and now in my late twenties. I am fed up with bingeing on sugary, high calorie foods. Don't get me wrong at the time, I love the sugary treats but after a while I feel horrible, sluggish and regret my choice of junk foods. As a mother of one, I want my daughter who is four. To learn that too much sugary foods isn't good for our bodies. As she has no understanding about this, I choose the food she eats. Recently I came across the brand "Free'ist" and I was delighted to hear that they make sugar free biscuits, chocolates, jams, pop-corn and much more! I was excited to try out their range and to see if sugar free is still delicious. I gathered my family around, including my daughter and we tasted these delightful treats. I was shocked that my mum loved them, as she normally avoids anything too healthy. My daughter didn't even recognize the sugar difference...