CastleCourt CURVE

Last weekend top Belfast shopping centre CastleCourt inspired audiences across the city with CastleCourt CURVE. The event which celebrated style at any size - saw a whole host of curvaceous models from sizes 12 – 20 showcase the latest fashions from this popular shopping hot spot; as former New York plus size model, and fashion and beauty blogger Charlotte Coyle talked through the very best Spring Summer 16 trends and divulged the latest beauty and hair tips. We saw stunning CMPR models model the most stylish designs from CastleCourts very own fashion brands. These included retailers such as Evans, Simply Be Fashion, BonmarchĂ© and Yours Clothing. The fashion shows took place at regular intervals throughout last Saturday afternoon from 12.30-4pm. There was also beauty tips and hair advice from key partners including INGLOT as well as Debenhams beauty brands. The audience was wowed by this amazing event and thought it was a very enjoyable fashion...